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Hicks Sir Wally Buffalo Per m2
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15.40 Inc.
15.4 AUD


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    Brand :Hicks Instant Turf

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    Sir Wally is a high quality, low maintenance,
    shade tolerant grass which is ideal for heavy traffic areas.

    Sir Wally is a turf grown in South Australia for South Australian conditions. Unlike the old buffalo, it is not a coarse turf – the barb has been removed to give a soft feel – great for children and pets. It will also self-repair which is important if you have dogs.

    Sir Wally Grass Attributes 

    • The ability to maintain a crisp green colour in Summer and Winter

    • Fungus resistant and herbicide tolerant

    • Provides good wear tolerance in high traffic areas (backyards with dogs, heavily shaded playgrounds, etc)

    • Quick recovery from wear and damage

    • Low water use - drought tolerant

    • low chemical and mowing requirement making it environmentally responsible

    • An easy all round lawn to maintain

    • A turf that is able to offer a high quality appearance without professional care

    Ongoing Turf Maintenance

    The recommendations are for established lawns only, to ensure good health and the best possible colour year round. These recommendations are averages and should be used as a guide. Situations vary according to soil conditions, location, water pressure etc. The visual appearance of your lawn will become your best guide.


    Mower - GrassMowing

    No more than 30-40% of the leaf should be removed in any one mow. Keep mower blades sharp and do not cut wet grass. Mowing height is an important factor in promoting healthy lawn.

    Sir Wally is best at 30-40mm. In a shady position it should be kept longer at all times. In spring your Sir Wally Buffalo lawn can be mown down to a height of 15mm (except in shady areas) and fertilised. This removes the thatch built up in your lawn and allows new stolon growth.

    In summer and autumn mow every 7 days. Autumn and winter, only when necessary.

    A regular rotary mower can be used.


    Watering Turf and Grass

    Save time and money on your water bill by installing a controlled sprinkler system.

    Sir Wally can tolerate severe drought conditions once established.
    To maintain a healthy green appearance:

    Summer – over 35 degrees 3 times a fortnight 1hr per shift other times 1 hr per week
    Autumn and Spring – cut back depending on the weather for more information call hicks turf
    Winter – only if necessary

    3 times per week for 15 minutes 1 time per week for 20 minutes


    Turf Fertiliser and Grass Fertiliser

    Apply four applications a year of fertiliser from our specialty range. Reduced growth, paleness of colour and weeds may indicate your lawn is lacking nutrition.


    Weed Control

    For best results with weedicides, promote growth by fertilising 14 days ahead and do not mow for 48 hours prior to spraying. Broadleaf sprays control Clover, Bindii and Broadleaf weeds including Paterson’s Curse (Salvation Jane) and should be applied before flowering at the end of July as a preventative. Use a broadleaf registered weedicide for use on Buffalo grasses.

    To control Black Beetle, Mole Cricket and grass-eating caterpillars in lawns, use a recognised Lawn Grub Killer each spring, as a preventative.

    Wintergrass Control – apply annually between April and August.

    For Product Specifications, Click Here